Think Outside the Shoe Box

Located at 1003 Michigan Avenue

Sheboygan Wisconsin


Tuesday 10 - 5 • Wednesday 2 - 6

Thursday & Friday 10 - 5

Saturday 9 - Noon


(920) - 452 - 7838

2024 Closed Dates

May 28 - June 1

June 11

Dec. 26 - Jan 2

One of Wisconsin's Oldest Shoe Repair Shops - Since 1912


Located at 1003 Michigan Avenue in Sheboygan,
Molly's Cobbler Shop has been providing shoe repair
services for over 110 years.


Built in 1895 for the millinery shop of Mrs. Emma Roux.


By 1912, the building was occupied by the leather findings and shoe repair shop of William E. Hinz who continued operating his shoe repair business for 5 decades into the early 1960s. By 1965, the building was occupied by Bob’s Shoe Service. Heinemann’s Shoes occupied the building by 1968 through the early 1980s, after which it became Molly’s Cobbler Shop by 1985, still operating from the original building.


Continuing the tradition, shop owner Kevin Hansen is repairing shoes using old world craftsmanship, as well as, some new adaptations to keep up with today's shoe styles.


At one time, you could find a shoe repair shop in almost any part of Sheboygan, now Molly's Cobbler Shop is Sheboygan's only remaining full-time, full Service shoe repair shop.


2023 KnuckleheadBRAND Design

Think Outside The Shoe Box

Located at
1003 Michigan Avenue

Sheboygan Wisconsin


Tuesday 10 - 5

Wednesday 2 - 6

Thursday & Friday 10 - 5

Saturday 9 - Noon


(920) - 452 - 7838


2024 Closed Dates

May 28 - June 1

June 11

Dec. 26 - Jan 2

One of Wisconsin's Oldest Shoe Repair Shops - Since 1912


Located at 1003 Michigan Avenue in Sheboygan,
Molly's Cobbler Shop has been providing shoe repair services for over 110 years.


Built in 1895 for the millinery shop of
Mrs. Emma Roux.


By 1912, the building was occupied by the leather findings and shoe repair shop of William E. Hinz who continued operating his shoe repair business for 5 decades into the early 1960s. By 1965, the building was occupied by Bob’s Shoe Service. Heinemann’s Shoes occupied the building by 1968 through the early 1980s, after which it became Molly’s Cobbler Shop by 1985, still operating from the original building.


Continuing the tradition, shop owner Kevin Hansen is repairing shoes using old world craftsmanship, as well as, some new adaptations to keep up with today's shoe styles.


At one time, you could find a shoe repair shop in almost any part of Sheboygan, now Molly's Cobbler Shop is Sheboygan's only remaining
full-time, full Service shoe repair shop.

Think Outside the Shoebox

Located at
1003 Michigan Avenue

Sheboygan Wisconsin


Tuesday 10 - 5, Wednesday 2 - 6

Thursday & Friday 10 - 5

Saturday 9 - Noon


(920) - 452 - 7838


2024 Closed Dates

May 28 - June 1

June 11

Dec. 26 - Jan 2

Click here to visit our online retail store.

Located at 1003 Michigan Avenue in Sheboygan,
Molly's Cobbler Shop has been providing shoe repair
services for over 110 years.


Started in 1912, the building was occupied by the leather findings and shoe repair shop of William E. Hinz who continued operating his shoe repair business for 5 decades into the early 1960s. By 1965, the building was occupied by Bob’s Shoe Service. Heinemann’s Shoes occupied the building by 1968 through the early 1980s, after which it became Molly’s Cobbler Shop by 1985, still operating from the original building.


Continuing the tradition, shop owner Kevin Hansen is repairing shoes using old world craftsmanship, as well as, some new adaptations to keep up with today's shoe styles.


At one time, you could find a shoe repair shop in almost any part of Sheboygan, now Molly's Cobbler Shop is Sheboygan's only remaining full-time, full Service shoe repair shop.